How to obtain Spanish citizenship

We show you how to obtain Spanish citizenship

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We want to help you apply for Spanish citizenship. The information provided is for guidance only; you should seek a professional to advise and assist you. Here, we have such professionals.

There are different pathways to obtain nationality:

Residency-based nationality

It requires the applicant to have legally and continuously resided in Spain for more than 10 years before they can apply.
There are also shorter timelines by fulfilling certain requirements, such as having a specific nationality, among others.

Nationality by grant

It is not subject to the general rules of an administrative procedure. It may or may not be granted by the Government through a Royal Decree after evaluating exceptional circumstances.

Nationality for Spaniards of origin

It applies to all individuals of Spanish origin, although there are certain requirements to meet. It is not always possible to request it indefinitely, so each case needs to be studied.

Nationality by possession of status

Spanish nationality will be granted to any person who has continuously and in good faith possessed and used it, based on a title registered in the Civil Registry.

Nationality by option

A benefit provided by our legislation to foreigners who meet certain conditions to acquire nationality. These conditions include:

  • Anyone who is/was under the legal authority of a Spanish national.
  • Anyone whose mother/father was Spanish and was born in Spain.
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